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GriefShare Ministry: A Journey Toward Healing

Grieving the loss of a loved one is a journey that no one should have to navigate alone. Our GriefShare ministry is a compassionate, Christ-centered program dedicated to helping individuals find healing and hope during one of life’s most difficult seasons. Over the course of 13 weeks, participants engage in supportive group discussions, watch insightful video seminars, and work through a helpful workbook, all designed to guide them through the complexities of grief.

What to Expect

Each session explores meaningful topics such as loneliness, anger, and the process of moving toward hope. In a warm, welcoming environment, participants gain valuable tools for emotional and spiritual growth while building connections with others who understand their pain. This journey is about finding peace and discovering new strength in Christ through the support of a caring community.

Class Scheduling

GriefShare sessions are offered based on community demand, allowing us to schedule classes at times that best meet the needs of those interested. This flexibility ensures that everyone has the opportunity to participate in a timeframe that supports their healing journey.

Opportunities to Serve

The GriefShare ministry relies on compassionate individuals who feel called to serve. Volunteers help create a safe space for healing by facilitating sessions, offering emotional support, and guiding small group discussions. By being part of this team, you can make a lasting impact on someone’s journey toward healing, bringing them comfort, encouragement, and hope.

Join Us

If you’re seeking solace in your grief journey or feel led to serve, consider joining our GriefShare community. Contact us to participate or volunteer and be part of a life-changing support system grounded in faith, empathy, and understanding. Together, let’s help each other find renewed strength and healing in Christ.