As servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, God hones us on our journey. As I have had the incredible calling and opportunity to serve the Lord through the ministry of Music and Worship, God has honed me through the years and given me focus as to the purpose of church music worship.
To keep this as brief but succinct as possible, my study of how worship is used and employed in the scripture appears to have two primary purposes. They are:
These simple but direct uses of music worship in the scripture have been my driving passion as I serve the Lord. I’d like to invite you to join us on our journey as we honor our Lord’s name by fulfilling those two specific purposes with every song we raise to Him!
Our Rehearsal and Performance Schedule
Choir: Every Wednesday from 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Ensemble: Every Wednesday from 6:15 – 7:00 PM
Choir: On Sundays as often as scheduled. Meet in the choir rehearsal room at 10:10
Ensemble: On Sundays as often as scheduled. Meet in the auditorium at 9:50.
No. we welcome singers of all experience levels! If you have a passion for worship and a willingness to learn, you’ll fit right in!
No audition is required to join the choir. Just come as you are and we’ll give you your music and a seat. Assimilate at a pace you are comfortable with. You can start singing from the first note of your first rehearsal, or you can observe for a while until you feel comfortable joining in. No pressure!
A short, simple audition is required to be in the ensemble(s). Participation is limited to the size (number of singers) of each ensemble.
Any kind that accomplishes our purposes of lifting up the name of the Lord and encourages the body! We are truly very eclectic in our music selection.
Choir rehearses from 7:00 – 8:00 PM every Wednesday in the choir rehearsal room.
Ensemble rehearses from 6:15 – 7:00 PM every Wednesday in the choir rehearsal room.
Members are encouraged to attend weekly rehearsal and sing when scheduled for the Sunday morning service (2 – 3 times per month). Occasionally, we may schedule a longer Wednesday rehearsal or even an extra (bonus) rehearsal when working on special events or presentations.
Not at all! We work together to learn each piece and resources are available to help everyone, regardless of musical background.
We are a generational choir! That means we encourage any age that can attend rehearsals from 4th grade forward.
Our church is a “pretty down to earth” church body. Although we invite you to “come as you are”, we have 2 guidelines to help you as you choose your attire. First: dress neatly. Whether it’s blue jeans or slacks, just be neat. Second: dress modestly. We don’t want to attract any unnecessary attention to our bodies. We want God to receive all the attention and all the glory!
We understand that life can be busy! Just communicate with the choir director if you need flexibility and we’ll work to make participation possible for you!
The best way is to simply attend a choir rehearsal! If you decide you want to join, we’ll have a simple choir member profile sheet for you to fill out. If you feel our choir is not the best area of service for you, no problem! We’ll thank you for coming to our rehearsal!