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Living with Vision: Understanding God’s Word and Our Identity


Opening our spiritual eyes is one of the most transformative experiences we can have as believers. When we truly see and understand God’s word, it changes how we view ourselves, our purpose, and our relationship with Him.

What Does It Mean to Have Our Spiritual Eyes Opened?

Having our spiritual eyes opened goes beyond just reading or hearing God’s word – it’s about truly understanding and experiencing it. Just as Jesus opened the eyes of His disciples on the road to Emmaus by explaining Scripture, God continues to open our eyes through His word today.

How Does God Open Our Eyes Through His Word?

God opens our eyes in several key ways:

·  Through revelation of who Jesus is

·  By helping us understand our true identity in Christ

·  By showing us His wonderful works and promises

·  Through growing spiritual maturity and understanding

What Happens When We See Our True Identity in Christ?

Understanding our identity in Christ is transformative. We begin to see ourselves as:

·  Citizens of heaven rather than just earth

·  Ambassadors for Christ

·  New creations with eternal purpose

·  Part of God’s bigger plan

Why Do We Sometimes Struggle to See Clearly?

Several things can block our spiritual vision:

·  Being too busy (Being Under Satan’s Yoke)

·  Fear and restrictive thinking

·  Focusing only on earthly matters

·  Lack of time in God’s Word

How Can We Walk in Spiritual Vision?

To walk in spiritual vision:

·  Spend consistent time in God’s Word

·  Allow His Word to transform your understanding

·  Act on what you already understand

·  Stay open to how God may work differently through others

·  Remember your heavenly citizenship

Life Application

This week, challenge yourself to:

·  Set aside dedicated time each day for God’s Word

·  Ask God to open your eyes to see wondrous things in His Word

·  Examine areas where you might be living with restricted vision

·  Consider your true identity in Christ

Questions to reflect on:

·  Am I seeing myself through God’s eyes or the world’s eyes?

·  What might be blocking my spiritual vision?

·  How can I better align my life with my identity in Christ?

·  Am I allowing God’s Word to truly transform how I see things?

Remember, true spiritual vision comes through God’s Word and transforms not just how we see Him, but how we see ourselves and our purpose in His kingdom.

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